Princess Tutu (プリンセスチュチュ, Purinsesu Chuchu) is a mahou-shoujo anime released in 2002, created by Ikuko Itoh. The anime is inspired by fairytales, such as Swan Lake and The Ugly Duckling, and ballet. The story follows the duck Ahiru, who, by the power of an amulet given to her by a man named Drosselmeyer, is transformed into both a human girl and the prima ballerina Princess Tutu, with the goal of returning the shattered heart shards to the emotionless storybook prince come to life. Princess Tutu, though on the obscure side, is a beautiful story with complex characters and themes, and is not at all what it may seem. It's a story about defying the roles given to you and molding your own fate. It has touched and nestled a special place in my heart, and it has done this same thing for many others for over 20 years. Kinkan Gakuen is a love letter to the anime, as well as being a website to browse if you're already a fan, or if you're interested in becoming one! The site provides info about characters, episodes, and a gallery. Please use the contact page if any of the website is broken or inaccessible. Navigate the site by using the bookmarks on the right. Kinkan Gakuen may have spoilers. Page 1 |
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